Gun control is a lightning rod for divisive politics and rhetoric.
On the eve of the 2nd anniversary of the Tucson shootings on January 8, 2011, one thing is abundantly clear: nothing has changed. This time around: mass slayings in Colorado and Connecticut.
People are still free to exercise their civil liberties and own, hunt, and sport shoot. What is also clear is that guns are still ending up in the hands of wrong people.
The lessons proffered from the Tucson shootings, have steadfastly been rejected. A few months ago in July 2012, a lone gunman killed 12 people, and injured 58, at a theater in Aurora, Colorado.
Just a few weeks before Christmas, 26 people were killed at an elementary school, in Newtown, Connecticut.
The slaughter of the innocent continues.
Those that advocate gun ownership as a civil liberty, balked when their names were published in a local newspaper. Why? It is okay to own a gun, but NOT okay to exercise first amendment rights of Freedom of the Press to print public information. Why?
The assault weapons ban sunset in 2004 allowed the sale, use, and importation of high capacity gun magazine clips. Why? I am of the opinion that if a hunter needs more then 3 shots to kill an animal, I am not sure if a high capacity magazine will help. Or is that these high capacity magazines exist for another reason other then hunting. I wonder?
What is needed is a clear definition of what constitutes an assault weapon. Requiring assault style weapons like the AR-15, to be ONLY at a range, would be a start.
Gun buy backs are another contentious issues. On the 2nd anniversary, Tucson will offer a gun buy back programme. Anyone can turn in a gun, and receive a gift card. Gun control advocates hail this as an attempt to deal with some of the issues. National Rifle Association Members incessantly decry this attempt as somehow removing their civil liberty to gun ownership. Why?
Recently I walked into a local grocery store. In the space of 20 minutes, 3 people carrying guns walked into the same store. I left my shopping cart where it was, and quickly walked out of the store. Why is it necessary to carry a handgun into a grocery store?
Better access to mental health is also a tantamount issue. Why is it easier to purchase a gun, then to access mental health care? Lack of access to mental health was a factor in the Tucson and Colorado shootings. It is unknown at this time, if this is an issue in the Connecticut shootings.
They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” (Rev 6:20/NIV)