Monthly Archives: July 2013

Thot 4 the day – Servanthood

Greatness in the kingdom of Jesus is stopping for the needs of others. It is setting aside for the moment our own hurts and concerns, to listen, then to ask, “What do you want me to do for you?”

We may be little in the eyes of other men. But if we follow Christ’s example of servanthood, we will be great in the eyes of God.

Personal Application

Begin each day asking God for an opportunity to serve.


Do all the good you can,
by all the means you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
and as long as you can.
— John Wesley

— Larry O. Richards, The 365 day Devotional Commentary, Victor Publications, 1990, pg 671

Aspergers and relationships

A salient ability of Aspergers, is the ability to view everyone equally. Black. White. Brown. English Speaking, non-English Speaking. Republican. Democrat. Young. Old. All are equal in the eyes of most Autistic’s. This can be a decided advantage in dealing with the varied opportunities for relationships. It can also be an unravelling. Those on the Autistic Spectrum are easily blind sided by the need to custom tailor their approach to relationships to an individual, and not the group en masse. What works for one group or individual does NOT always work with another.

Ignoring someone with Autism/Aspergers is the most powerful weapon Neuro-Typicals (NT) employ. Silence (no communication) is interpreted as rejection. The deafening cry is a plea to be left alone.

For many, the social information can not be processed correctly or immediately. It takes a long time (weeks or months) to understand when a relationship is over, because many process emotional information, through logic. When the social information is properly decoded, there may be a plea for grace to end the relationship expeditiously and friendly, so that the loss can be appropriately mourned, and the long journey to restoration can finally begin.

October 16, 2011