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Restorative Justice instead of Punitive Justice

Following is a letter I am sending to the Pima County Juvenile Court, to ask that the theft case involving a minor, be adjudicated by a Community Justice Board.

Tucson, Az 85746
February 17, 2014

Superior Court of the State of Arizona
Pima County Juvenile Court Center
2225 E. Ajo Way
Tucson, Az 85713-6295

RE: Pima County Sheriff Department LEA # XXXXXX145, G, C.A. SWID XXXX730

To whom it may concern:

Enclosed, please find my affidavit of loss.

I would like to see this case adjudicated by the Pima County Community Justice Board. Restorative justice, rather then punitive justice. Yes, restitution needs to be performed. I would like to see C.A. restored as a full, contributing member of society. I believe that a community justice board would best serve C.A. and the community.

I would like the following conditions to be placed as part of C.A.’ probation:

1. C.A. would be required to to obtain a diploma or G.E.D. certificate within 1 year. I would be willing along with the court’s assistance, to help him achieve that goal.

2. C.A. would be required to meet once per week during the probationary period, at Drexel Heights Baptist Church, with either Pastor Dan , Paul, or myself for a minimum of 90 minutes/week. The church is located less then 1 mile from his home.

3. Restitution be fully paid to me in the amount of $116.75 within 1 year.

I ask the court to consider these terms, when dealing with C.A.

The goal is to restore C.A. as a full contributing member of society.



Together we Thrive


As Tucson recovers from the chaos and confusion from last Saturday’s mass killings, I can’t help but remember some of the turbulent events in my own past. The Kennedy Assassinations, the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, The Oklahoma City Bombings, The 1994 Northridge Earthquake, September 11, 2001. This week the mass killings has brought us together as one, in order to heal from the grievous wounds we have suffered, individually, as well as a community.

As I made my way around town this week, people here are still stunned. Still shocked. Still frail, emotionally. The mood and the tone of Tucson has changed. We’re quiet. We’re sombre. We’re more contemplative. We’re more aware of our surroundings. We’re curious. We’re cautious. But perhaps most striking is the patience and love I have seen in the many faces that make up the Old Pueblo.

Tucson’s leaders, along with President Barack Obama, came together in a striking memorial service last night, to honour the victims of this holocaust:

– U.S. District Judge John Roll, 63.

– Gabe Zimmerman, 30, Giffords’ director of community outreach.

– Dorwin Stoddard, 76, a pastor at Mountain Ave. Church of Christ.

– Dorthy Murray, 76.

– Phyllis Scheck, 79.

– Christina Greene, 9, a student at Mesa Verde Elementary.

And Gabrielle Giffords, US Congresswoman from the 8th Congressional District here in Tucson. She is still in Intensive Care at the University Medical Centre.

We will heal. But healing is a slow, arduous, and often painful process. We ask for your prayers, your wisdom, and your compassion.

Politically Divisive

As with many events in history, this has proven to be very divisive. The conservative factions, are accusing alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, of having ties to extreme left-wing elements. Many of us here in Tucson, don’t understand this. Why do you pick at our scabs and make us bleed anew? We only know the pain and suffering we’ve endured. We don’t see any political connections here. We see a disturbed mentally ill person, in need of help. We don’t understand WHY this has become such a divisive issue, but it has. We don’t need, nor do we want extreme political rhetoric or viewpoints.

Together We Thrive

What we need to heal is time, mercy, compassion, understanding, patience. But most of all love and prayers. Personally, I have NOT felt the love on Facebook, but have experienced instead political rhetoric taken to the extreme.

Where’s the love? Where’s the I’m praying for you guys? Together we WILL Thrive. But it takes the efforts of a nation, who can put away their divisiveness for a moment, to kneel in prayer.

Perhaps Mahatma Ghandi was right:

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Wayno Guerrini
January 11, 2011

Fear Not — How Big is Your God? (A Christmas Message)

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. (Luke 2:10 KJV)

The advent of Christmas is upon us. I remember hearing the Christmas story a long time ago.
Most of us have heard or read the account of Jesus’ birth from Luke’s Gospel many times. In re-reading this passage I noted something for the first time:

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings or great joy, which shall be to all people. (Luke 2_8-10 KJV)

Shepherds tending sheep. Not unusual. Verse 9 says: “…the glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid.”

These lowly shepherds were the first one’s to hear the good news of the birth of Messiah. Let’s examine now the 10th verse yet once more:

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. (Luke 2:10 KJV)

The first words the angel said to the shepherds were: “FEAR NOT”!

The Bible is literally full of fear. Philippians 4:6 tells us:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (NIV)

“Do. NOT. Be. Anxious. What makes you tremble? A friend said to me: “How big is YOUR GOD”? Can you trust God to work out things in your life His way, and NOT yours? Are you going through desert experiences or situations that seemingly have no end?

Jesus came o this world, not as a king, not to the rich, nor to the elite powerful. He came humbly. A babe wrapped in strips of cloth. He won’t force himself into anyone’s life. You must invite him into your life:

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Rev 3:20 NIV)


Obamacare vs The Debt Ceiling

From the Minnesota Star Tribune (Steve Sack)

From the Minnesota Star Tribune (Steve Sack)

All the eyes and ears of the world are focused on Washington, D.C. Watching and waiting to see if a group of 536 (including President Obama) of seemingly inept politicians can navigate the murky waters and avoid teetering on the brink of oblivion.

The issues have been long steeped by partisan party politics. The Tea Party Republicans want to “defund” the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare), while the Democrats want to raise the roof on the debt. They are at an impasse, as we race toward the endgame scenario.

The Issues

The Republicans want to “defund” Obamacare. Like other entitlement programmes, the Affordable Care Act was NEVER funded at all. The individual mandate provision, is what would fund Obamacare. The Republicans are trying to remove the individual mandate, which the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) upheld as a tax. Accordingly, Congress does have the power to levy taxes. They can also decide to remove taxes. If the individual mandate is removed, this would “defund” Obamacare. Author Larry Burkett in “The Coming Economic Earthquake Warned: “If, in fact, any form of national health care is implemented, it will be the final straw — the dagger in the heart of our economy as we know it.”

The Democrats will NOT reform the entitlement programmes, such as Medicare, Social Security, S.N.A.P. (Food Stamps), Medicaid, Part D Prescription Drug coverage, and HeadStart to name a few. Medicare out-of-pocket copays for 2014 are up over 25% from last year.

Many are asking, what happens if…?

If Congress cannot agree to kick the can down the road some more, what happens? I have no crystal ball, but these are my predictions as an armchair economist:

  • If no compromise is reached, I expect a run on Treasury Bonds. Many large financial institutions have already divested themselves of short term U.S. Government debt. As the demand for U.S. Debt Bonds goes down, interest rates will skyrocket. Suddenly it becomes MORE costly for EVERYONE to borrow, including the Federal Government.

    While at the outset, this sounds like a bad thing, in fact it is a good thing for those of us who save, and are currently being punished by historically low interest rates on savings and certificates of deposit. Those who owe money, will lose.

  • The credit rating of the U.S. will be lowered. Substantially. Borrowing will collapse, and the reserve currency of the world will be exposed for what is truly is: worthless promises to pay. Perhaps then and only then, will they consider “balancing the budget” and reforming entitlements.
  • As the collapse widens, the stock market will take a precipitous nose dive. Think Depression times 10.
  • The economy will contract, and deflation (contraction of available money and goods) will ensue. Cash will be king.
  • Banks may declare a bank holiday, and all forms of electronic money, will be frozen to prevent a run on the banks.
  • Hyperinflation. The Federal Reserve has been propping up the economy by injecting $85 BILLION / month into the system. Known as Quantitative Easing — the house of cards will crumble. Think Germany and a wheel barrow of money to buy a loaf of bread. Hyperinflation is defined as the velocity of money. In other words, money will change hands very quickly since the value of money will contract and shrink.
  • Mortgage backed securities, which have been toxic and looming in the economy, will finally be cleansed.

Possible Solutions

Several proposals have been made, which MAY include:

  • Cutting discretionary spending (some defense programmes)
  • Cutting Social Security and other entitlements
  • Raising taxes. (Who knows? We could be the first country to tax itself into prosperity!)

Perhaps a combination of the above. But austerity comes far too late. $16,000,000,000,000 in debt can never be repaid, no matter what solution is proffered. The cycle of madness will continue like a mouse running on a wheel.

Obamacare cost difference for Humana Medicare Advantage 2014

Obamacare Humana Medicare Advantage for 2013 vs 2014

Item 2013 2014 % Change
Catastropic Coverage (copay) $5500 $6700 21.8 %
Specialist (copay) $40 $45 12.5 %
Ambulance (copay) $200 $275 37.5 %
Hospitalisation/Day (copay) $223 $260 16.6%
Outpatient Surgery/Hospital (copay) $150 $210 40.0%

The average cost increase is 25.7 % from 2013 to 2014. Remember, this IS affordable!

For Part D (prescription) coverage changes, you may find this useful. (scroll down about 1/4 of the page for charts)

Created on … September 26, 2013

Open letter to Congress: No War with Syria


Dear Congressional Representatives:

This letter will contain few facts. Instead it is a congealing of experiences that have percolated through my life, and admittedly, some ad hominems.

I lived through the Vietnam war. I am NOT a veteran. Instead I saw the horrors of war splashed across my family’s television set, almost every evening. There are images of the atrocity of war indelibly etched on my mind, that even the passage of several decades, have failed to erase.

No one wants war. It is NOT good for business. The cost is always bloodshed and more violence. It matters not what side. Let us examine a brief history of war in the 20th century.

From 1950-1953, the United States nearly unilaterally fought in the Korean Police Conflict. An estimated 2.5 million civilians were lost on both sides. The Police Action ended in a stalemate. The news of the day, were from newsreels.

As time progressed from the early 1950‘s, by the time we put men on the Moon at the end of the next decade, we would be fully entrenched in another unilateral expansionism: Vietnam. This was the first war that was daily brought into living rooms around the world. We did not just hear about the horrors, we saw them. Day after day. Even revered newscaster Walter Cronkite grew weary of what he saw. So did the American public. The Vietnam war sparked many protests and riots.

During this war…something changed. Something was different. We had courageous people like Dr. Martin Luther King, as a guide. The tide of prejudice and discrimination was giving birth to ideas of non-violence, and peace. For me, the birth pangs of change, had matured.

Nestled between the amazing heroism of Apollo 13, and high school graduation, is a little known event: May 4, 1970.

Exercising First Amendment Rights, the students of Kent State University in Ohio, had gathered to protest the Vietnam War’s incursion into Cambodia.

On that fateful day, Students: Allison Krause, Jeffrey Glen Miller, Sandra Lee Scheuer, and William Knox Schroeder were brutally shot to death by Ohio National Guardsmen. In just 13 seconds, they had fired 67 rounds.

The impact of this incident, coming just four weeks before my high school graduation, changed me utterly and profoundly. As I pondered the realities or war, wrestled with the meaning of life, I came to the realisation that wars solve nothing.

On that day, in that hour, I was transformed into a life of pacifism, by the sacrifice made by these individuals. During the course of the Vietnam War from 1955-1975, an estimated 1 to nearly 4 million people had died. It ended in yet, another stalemate.

Fast forward to 2003. Saddam Hussein was in power in Iraq. The U.S. had actionable intelligence that Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction (Chemical Weapons.) They were stockpiling uranium, and they were connected to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Centre attacks. Just like Vietnam, the President, Cabinet Members, and Generals’ again lied to the American public. In the 8 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, and 4 days, we unilaterally tore this country apart, what was accomplished? Over 113,000 lives were lost. For the first time, the world was able to see war in real time.

Have we learned anything? There is no such thing as a limited war. We may want to detach ourselves from the killing because someone else is pushing a button. Has the American political consciousness grown so callous, that it is granted some kind of immunity and shielding that it can not see the atrocities and ambiguity?

As a nation, the people you represent, are war weary. We are NOT the policemen of the world. Why MUST the United States act unilaterally? The unilateral military intervention into the sovereign affairs of a foreign government. How is that different from imperialism? Tell us, if you know.

When our allies say NO to war, this nation needs to STOP and reflect on its actions. There are other non-violent methods for dealing with Syria. When Russia wanted to talk with Speaker-of-the-house John Bohener and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last week, they both refused. What harm is there in sitting at a table, and listening?

Peace is NOT the absence of war, it is the presence of trust.

I am reminded of this thought, taken from the Outer Limits Episode entitled: The Light Brigade

The greatest horror of war is the fateful transformation
of our children, into heroes.

Hermitage No Kill Cat Shelter Celebrates 48 years


Founded in 1965 by a Russian Orthodox Nun, Sister Seraphim made a deal with God. She would care for any animal He put in her path as long as He provided the means. The Hermitage was the first no-kill, no-cage cat sanctuary in Arizona. [1]

In 1969, the shelter moved to its current location at 5278 E. 21st Street in a quiet residential neighbourhood, located just off of 22nd and Magnolia (near Thoroughbred Nissan.) The shelter is home to about 200 cats, including some permanent residents with special needs such as GI issues, allergies, or timidity. Some of the adoptable candidates include cats with FIV, and diabetes.


The shelter has undergone major renovations under the leadership of the new executive director, Joe Sprague. The shelter now includes a new adoption area, fresh paint, a modernized computer network infrastructure, air conditioning, and cat walks though out the shelter.

The Hermitage will be hosting movie nites at the shelter, The first movie: Mama Mia (a sing along) on Thursday, September 12 starting at 6:30 pm. The cost is $5.


Dates            Movie

September 12     Mama Mia Sing A Long
September 21     The Birds
October 3        Muppets (Original)
October 18       That Darn Cat
November 2       ***Special Horror Night Oldies
                 but scary Start at 7pm goes till Midnight*** $10.00
November 7       Grease
November 15      Sci Fi Night
January 9        Big Fish
January 24       Breakfast at Tiffany's
February 7       Hairspray Sing a Long
February 20      Little Shop of Horrors    
A pass for $25.00 is available to view 6 movies of your choice!

RSS and Email subscriptions fixed

I never realised that the RSS feed and the email subscriptions do NOT work. I have now fixed that.

If you were previously subscribed to either feed, you will need to re-subscribe.

DOH! I mean, WOO HOO!


Where can I go, when I’m addicted?


Where can I go, when I’m addicted?

Betsy is an attractive middle aged blonde, living with her parents. In this economy it is difficult to make ends meet. Appearances are often deceiving. Besty had travelled from the mid-west, to take care of her parents: her father has senile dementia, and her mother just had surgery to remove a cancerous tumour, and has a feeding tube.

One day I heard a knock at the door. It was Betsy. Her hair was a bit dishevelled, she slurred her speech, and she was not steady on her feet. As she passed by, I knew the reason. She was drunk. I could smell it on her breath. God must have had a reason to send her my way. Like the prophet Nehemiah, I shot a “prayer arrow” (Neh 2:4-5) to God asking for wisdom.

She wanted to go to the store for more booze. She had the keys to her car in hand. But she realised that she could not drive. Okay God, what do I do now? Almost by instinct, we have a tendency to do a knee jerk response. We want to play junior Holy Spirit, and judge. I sensed that was not my role. That is NOT what God wanted. It was a “woman at the well” (John 4:1-26) scenario. There is an old saying: “In vino veritas.” In wine, there is truth. I have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so I did twice as much listening, than talking.

As I listened, I discovered that she was trying to take care of her parents by herself, with no respite (rest and relief.) My family reached a point with my Dad, where we could no longer provide for his care. I understood where she was coming from. Betsy’s mother is very critical of her, and did not appreciate the sacrifice. Her parents did not drive her to drink, but they contributed. Scripture warns parents not to exasperate their children (Eph 6:4)

I asked Betsy, what role God played in all of this? She said: “I can’t believe a loving God would allow my parents to suffer this way.” “Ahh” I muttered to myself: “The Disneyland Syndrome.“ For a moment, I was able to share good news. I gave her a card for an online church, which she can access from her computer, on her schedule. God opened the door, just a crack.

There are many people who are on the fringe of society. Drunk, poor, addicted, gay, hiv/aids, lonely, widowed. Where can these people go? I could have just shut the door, instead God provided an opportunity to share the good news.

can i take my addictions into your theology
is it big enough to feel my pain
or will i stain your glass
with street smells and sweat
and where can i go
and where can i go
when i’m addicted?

Steve M. –

UC Irvine offer online Zombie Course


Sign up for UC Irvine’s online Zombie survival course. It is based on the AMC series:

The Walking Dead

A little nonsense now and then,
is relished by the wisest men.

— Willy Wonka